dedicated to
cyber risk.

Stoïk offers comprehensive coverage to help companies insure their business against cyber risk.

Clear guarantees with no hidden exclusions

Data leakage, ransomware, fraud: cyber threat is complex, and the financial consequences of an attack can be very serious. Our guarantees offer companies coverage tailored to their needs.

Up to 5 million euros limit.


Assistance and crisis management

  • Incident response
  • Legal assistance
  • Crisis communication
  • IT remediation
  • Data recovery

Damages and losses

  • Business interruption
  • Additional operating costs
  • Cyber ransom
  • Notification costs
  • Monitoring and surveillance costs
  • Investigations and sanctions
  • Cyber fraud

Third party liability

  • Data leakage
  • Media
  • Virus transmission

Ready to tackle
cyber risk?

Marc from Stoik
marc from Stoïk